Le Carnet d'Ysengrimus

Ysengrimus le loup grogne sur le monde. Il faut refaire la vie et un jour viendra…

  • Paul Laurendeau

  • Intendance

Merci Mesdames d’empêcher en permanence la troisième guerre mondiale d’éclater

Posted by Ysengrimus sur 29 avril 2008

Femmes contre la guerre

Mesdames, je vais peut-être vous surprendre, mais c’est grâce à ce rejet constant et stable de la mort de nos petits gars au combat dans des conflits de théâtre absurdes (que vous exprimez si sincèrement, et qui est vécu et articulé par des millions d’autres femmes comme vous, en toute simplicité) que nous n’avons pas eu de troisième guerre mondiale. Je m’explique. Quand Eisenhower se fit rapporter, au tout premier jour du débarquement de Normandie de 1944, que 10,000 hommes avaient été tués sur le coup, il répondit, sans cynisme, et avec un soulagement réel: «So far so good, I was expecting 20,000» [Pas mal du tout, Je m’attendais à 20,000]. Ce type d’insensibilité implacable (et, disons–le, si masculine…) des états-majors n’est plus possible aujourd’hui, simplement parce que les mères, les soeurs, les copines des soldats et leurs amies et nos amies veillent et influent de leur massive sensibilité pacifiste tout le rapport de la société civile à la guerre. Comparons le contraste entre la couverture par un journaliste homme et la couverture par une journaliste femme du même drame d’un de nos ti-clins soldoques mort à Kandahar. Sous la plume du journaliste homme, d’accord ou pas, on garde la tête bien froide et les yeux sur la rondelle. Il va falloir s’habituer à revoler dans le bande pis y en aura pas de faciles. D’ailleurs (comme l’expriment aussi assez oiseusement encore trop de nos compatriotes) les petits gars sont là-bas pour sauver les FEMMES afghanes. «Alors écrasez vous les filles, Rambo s’en vient. Comme on disait dans mon enfance: Les filles, les guénilles, les gars les soldats. Calmez vos nerfs. Ce n’est que la politique par d’autres moyens…» Sauf que la journaliste femme et ses semblables, elles, ont pleuré de tristesse et de rage devant leur ordi et l’on exprimé sans honte au monde dans les canards, les carnets et ailleurs sur Internet. Leurs arrières-grand-mères de la guerre ’14, avaient d’ailleurs pleuré et protesté comme ça, elles aussi, mais au fond d’une cuisine silencieuse. Leurs grand-mères de la guerre ’39 ont pleuré et protesté comme ça, elles, dans le tapage d’une tannerie ou d’une usine de bombes. On ne les a pas trop entendu non plus, dans le temps. Maintenant la vision vague et femme de Madame la Journaliste apparaît dans un medium qui vaut pour 50/50 face à la vision précise et eisenhowerienne de Monsieur le Journaliste. Compareurs, comparez. Choisisseurs, choisissez. Moi, je ne m’habituerai JAMAIS au meurtre de mes fils et des fils du soi-disant ennemi au nom de l’impérialisme pétrolier et opiacé de l’Occident.

La montée du pouvoir de masse et de l’impact social des femmes vont donc de pair avec l’impossibilité de disposer aujourd’hui sans obstacle de l’attitude d’Eisenhower envers les petits gars qui sont aux bouttes des fusils. Un mort québécois en Afghanistan et le Premier Ministre du Canada est obligé de patiner comme un perdu dans la propagande humanitaire. C’est à la portion FEMME (que les hommes ressentent aussi de plus en plus profondément de nos jours) de la société civile qu’il s’adresse dans ses salades pour québécois(e)s velléitaires. Subitement, l’inepte unifolié jambette et bafouille dans ses sourates et ses redites intoxidentales: il est en croisade exclusivement… pour sauver les FEMMES afghanes! Personne n’est dupe, allons, et la résistance polie mais ferme joue, sentie, dense, pesante… Et évidemment, cet exploit majeur des femmes de ce temps (nous éviter de nous jeter en compagnie de notre pire ennemi, notre armée, dans un troisième conflit mondial, ce n’est pas rien) étant un exploit silencieux, en creux, en vide, in absentia (vu que cette guerre n’est PAS arrivée), on ne le remarque pas, ne l’analyse pas, ne le comptabilise pas dans l’Histoire, mais il est avec nous en permanence. Ces femmes qui ont dit : je ne fais pas de politique, je ne me prononce pas sur la légitimité de la guerre ou quoi, mais bondance les gars là, il me semble que voir les ti-pits revenir dans des boîte, ça marche pas eh bien elles ont fait toute la fichue différence avec leur larmes froides, leur colère sourde, leur résistance ouverte. Alors, du fond du coeur, merci Mesdames. Mes fils et moi même vous devons la vie.


26 Réponses to “Merci Mesdames d’empêcher en permanence la troisième guerre mondiale d’éclater”

  1. Turi said

    Well that is the most kiss ass and gay shit i’ve ever read…take it easy buddy…do you know in what world you live in? Do you think that we are or will ever be at a moment when there is no war and no sacrifice or violence? Look in nature. There will always be conflict. Conflict resolved brings enlightement and therefore evolution. The universe was created with a bang. It is in our genes. I believe that ALL of us have helped to prevent another world war and not just one specific group of humans. I believe in galantry and being a gentleman. Not being a wannabe woman which is not very appealing and sort of shows the confusion that lays within you my brother.

    By the way…It’s because of Eisenhower’s cold way of thinking that we defeated the nazi’s you idiot. Do you think that if he would have started crying about the loss of life and screaming bloody murder that we would have eliminated the gravest threat still in our history? But you’re in you confortable little fucking paradise and so you don’t have the slightest idea of the word SACRIFICE for the greater good.

  2. ysengrimus said

    Thank you for that luminous sample of the declining male doctrine I reject.

  3. Tony said

    « Thank you for that luminous sample of the declining male doctrine I reject.

    Do you reject logic?

    Vous savez probablement qu’en temps de crise (famine, conflit,etc..) l’histoire nous montre que les femmes sont les premières a poussé les hommes a aller au combat? Les françaises refusait le sexe au homme qui n’allais pas se battre pendant la 2eme guerre mondial, pareil lors du génocide du Rwanda. L’histoire fourmille de telle situation. Les femmes sont souvent hypocrite, elles ne veulent pas avoir les mains sales (prendre les responsabilités des actes) alors elles le font faire par les autres et ensuite elles jouent les vierges innocentes qui n’ont rien a se reproché. Tout situation a une facette opposée dans la vie.

    Votre vie vous la devez a tous ces hommes qui sont mort a exploré et construire nos terres. A combattre la maladie. A étudier la nature sous tout ces angles. A nous nourrir. Etc…

    Mais bien sur, ces exploits ne sont rien face au millier de femme qui pleurent n’est-ce pas? Les enfants réagissent a peu près de la même façon vous savez? Bizarrement, c’est la raison pour laquelle ils n’ont pas le droit de vote… une injustice pour sur.

  4. Turi said

    I sleep well. Very well actually. I sleep next to the woman I love more than anything in the world. You see, I don’t pretend to be perfect in my understanding or all human behavior but I read alot of your stuff (just so you know) and though you seem like a very bright person, you are judgemental and intolerant with so much that I just wanted to sort of give you a taste of your own medecine. Oh it might not be the smartest thing to do but sometimes the smartest thing to do is not the best thing either…

    Telling me that I am Archaic when you know nothing about my opinions and who I am (compared with me knowing some about you by having all your thoughts spilled out right here in this nice little corner of the web) just goes to show that even though knowledge is power and enlightement, knowledge is not linked to our emotional composition and you seem to have alot of anger towards males for some reason (some I understand and some that seem personal to you). Though I said you were an idiot (not in the « intelligence » way of saying it) and still sort of believe that based on all the stuff I read that you wrote, I want to say that I had fun today reading all that you wrote and answering you back and I will probably come back since insults don’t really bother me for some reason.

    But please remember this, though you probably have MUCH to teach to many, that does not mean that no one can teach you.

    Thank you and to end it on a more positive note:
    good night Ysengrimus.

  5. ysengrimus said

    Enjoy specially the piece titled MON PETIT MACHO ANDROHYSTÉRIQUE on this blog. It was written with exactly you in mind…

  6. Turi said

    So you knew me before I even introduced myself? Are you my long lost creator?
    AM I like WilL Farrell in Stranger than fiction hearing voices narrating my life?

    Now let ME write something with exactly YOU in mind;

    « I knew this man of great intellect who for some reason, thought that his intellect gave him the right to judge and tell others what and who they were before they could even speak up. A man so sure of his superiority and so angry towards men, that he would lose all credibility with his blind anger. This man was actually pretty funny and though his writings were pretentious and used words whose only purpose is to prove ones intellect bla bla bla bla »
    But you know what? Thats probably NOT who you are but you sure have that aura.

    I will read it actually and tell you if you are right…but judging by the title…I ain’t too sure my brother.

    …10 minutes later…
    You know what…I just read it now and man you are so out in left field that I can barely make you out and your gerry garcia beard…I don’t play sports…don’t have jock friends…don’t hate feminists…don’t hate women…remember that I was commenting on YOUR writings and not commenting on feminism and women…Please re-read what I wrote so we can understand eachother…I believe in balance and that balance comes not from blind equality but from using eahcothers strenghts.

    But whatever…you’ll probably end up just telling me that I am an ape who’s idea of romance is draggin a woman by the hair to my cave…

    i’ll be back later…

    Enjoy your day.


  7. Sandy said

    Wow. Je suis impressionnée par la grandiloquence gratuite de ces charmants interlocuteurs, nommément Turi et Tony. Deux futurs candidats adéquistes, peut-être?

  8. Sandy said

    «I will read it actually and tell you if you are right»
    That’s not the point, fellow / ce n’est pas le but, camarade. You don’t «tell» someone if he’s right, you BELIEVE that someone is right. Huge difference.

    Retourne à tes livres de philo (voire même à ta Bible) l’ami, je crois que certaines lectures fondamentales t’ont échappé.

  9. ysengrimus said

    Merci Sandy. Ceci est apprécié.

  10. Turi said

    What? This is so funny to have people judge you and THINK they know you… thank you for making my point Sandy… I don’t read Philosophical books… they bore me… I get my philosophy from life my dear…

    By the way… maybe you have trouble with english so it’s okay but when I said that I would tell him if he’s right about the fact that his « petit macho whatever thing » was a good description of me well he WASN’T right because it doesn’t describe me…simple no?

    Strange how your comments are so biased and filled with the very ANGER you are attacking me of having…you judge without having proper knowledge of me or where i’m coming from…

    Realize Sandy and Paul that people are more complicated than a comment posted on a random blog… bla bla bla… Though I could take the low road and insult you like you insult me…I choose not to do that and really try and understand this blinded anger coming you guys….very interesting….

    Hey Sandy… good try.


  11. Tony said


    Il est intéressant de remarquer que les gens de votre acabit utilise toujours l’extrême droite pour discréditer une opinion qui diffère de l’extrême gauche aveugle. Jouer avec les extrêmes n’est-ce pas, le vie est beaucoup plus nuancé qu’il n’y vous parait.

    « Deux futurs candidats adéquistes »

    Très belle représentation, très éloquent sur votre capacité à commenter une opinion…

    Seriez-vous tentez par Québec Solidaire? Votre logique et la leur semble très bien s’accorder, votre avenir aussi. Je serais curieux de connaître vos lectures de philo, je doute que nous ayons lus les mêmes. A ma connaissance, très peu de lesbienne frustré ce sont démarqué dans ce domaine, peu-être pourriez-vous partager votre savoir?

    La prochaine fois, utilisez l’argumentation pour faire valoir vos idées et laissez les analogies de bas étages aux faibles d’esprit.

  12. Turi said

    « Je serais curieux de connaître vos lectures de philo, je doute que nous ayons lus les mêmes. A ma connaissance, très peu de lesbienne frustré ce sont démarqué dans ce domaine, peu-être pourriez-vous partagé votre savoir? »

    Shit man…I agreed with pretty much everything you said but why are you acusing her of being a « lesbienne frustré??? »

    Can we try maybe to debate without insults…I did insult Paul and you know what I apologize for the actual insults…though I still believe in what I wrote, I can recognize that insulting Paul wasn’t my brightest hour but can we just discuss without insulting eachother?



    Cause if not then well…whatever I din,t know…*thinking*…..

    *still thinking*…….



    I got nothing…be back later.


  13. Tony said


    Hi dude,

    About the insult, i’m really….really tire of being call a nazi or an « ADQ » candidate everytime i disagree with a feminist, always the typical way to stop a conversation. I’m sorry for the insult, but she insult me by comparing me to the ADQ.

    I totally agree with you on that point, but i’m freaking tire of that kind of attitude… when you speak with a kid you need to make sure he’s gonna understand, so you speak the same language.

    And strangely, (from my experience) a lot of girl who are speaking like that about those subject are in fact « lesbien » or « bisexual » who have a problem with men. Maybe she is, in that case, its not an insult but a fact.

    But anyway, sorry if i insult you Sandy but stop you’re disrespectful analogy and others will respect you in return.

  14. Sally Vermont said

    Well guys, if this blog is that painful to you, why don’t you make better of your time?

  15. Turi said

    « Well guys, if this blog is that painful to you, why don’t you make better of your time? »

    Well Sally, I really enjoy this blog actually…I’m very curious about the short but telling comments I read and about Paul’s silence…

    i’m curious about why Tony and I are actually the only ones giving their opinion..everyone else seems content with derogatory comments that actually say more about you then they do about me or Tony. But whatever…it’s your life and your time so I understand and yet I keep coming back…

    As for Tony…I understand that you are sick of being judged without reason and in such a way that eliminates any possible open debate and I am too…and I’ve fallen into the old trap of judging others from time to time myself…and really, I’ve realized that I always get my point across more clearly if I don’t resort to judgemental posts

    My first post here was actually a sort of put on…I mean I do stand by what I wrote and everyone seems to think that I was talking about women and feminism when I was talking about Paul and his opinion on the fact that women alone have prevented war…I mean…jeez..the world is a much much more complexe and complicated place and though it is a beautiful thought and sort of romantic about the idea of the healing mother…which I abide by myself being pagan…I thought that his post or article or whatever you call it was drenched with an undercurrent of a need to be loved by women so badly that he would come up with these theories and also resorting in male bashing which seems like a totally acceptable thing to do in our time…

    But what I wanted to say is that the only way that we will get our balance back on this planet and between the sexes is through eachother…men and women ARE NOT the same and therefore men are better at some things and women at others…it is sad to see SOME (I say some not all) women see their greatest strenght…the greatest strenght in all the universe as their greatest weakness….giving life. They seem to think that in order to « compete » with men, they have to become like men…but in doing so, they deminish their identity and that too is sad… And men…well like Paul believes…men should become more like women which again deminishes their identity and therefore makes them weaker….and what do we then get?

    People constantly wondering who they are and where they fit in and then they resort to yee-ha consumerism in order to define themselves as individuals and this just makes the confusion greater since like any drug, any outside influence to better oneself usually leads to abuse and confusion because the soul reflects from the inside out and not from the outside in. So really what I wanted to say all along was that we should heal ourselves by accepting our differences and recognizing eachothers strenghts and weaknesses and USING eachtothers strenghts to regain our balance and THEN and only THEN will their be no WAR.

    Anywho I just hope that I remember what I just wrote when I have my meeting with our client today cause damn… they annoy me.


  16. Tony said

    Turi: I totally agree with you.

    De plus, les femmes reprochaient au patriarcat de refuser aux femmes leurs féminités. Ne sommes-nous pas justement en trin de refuser au homme leurs masculinités?

  17. ysengrimus said

    On ne refuse pas aux hommes leur masculinité. On révolutionne leur masculinité. Nuance…

  18. Turi said

    « On ne refuse pas aux hommes leur masculinité. On révolutionne leur masculinité. Nuance… »

    Who? Who is doing that…I ain’t doing it? Are you? You talk about it but are you doing it? It is something personal. Nobody will ever impose a way of thinking upon me unless I AGREE with that way of thinking and deem it logical and practical.
    We went through this phase of metro sexuals and it is still going on but notice how we are again slowly going back to a more balanced way of being between the sexes. My woman (and I say this in a romantic way because i’m her man…we just ain’t married so I can’t say my wife and I hate saying my girlfriend after 5 years) hates the look and the overall exaggerated feminine features of metro sexuals and so does most women in my family and most women I know personally….now maybe it’s because i’m Italian and we see the sexes in a different way…we Italian men in general worship women BUT we do not diminish or change or feminise or masculinity for them since women are women and men are men…Most women I know…no correction… ALL women I know don’t want a girly man…you have to make the difference between a man and a brute. Yes brutes (aka macho’s) ARE annoying and passé just like feminists who believe that all men are weak and possible bastards and that all women are victims and angels…they annoy me..all of them…but haven’t you noticed that in quebec society (can’t speak for other places since I live here) men don’t know how to be men..they do not take their responsibilities, they are grown up children (not all but alot)…why? Well I believe that it is because some groups in our society have given women their due (well deserved and not even debatable) over the sacrifice of mens due…It is almost seen as pervert to be manly…

    So anyway i’m getting all excited cause Paul wrote a comment….okay…SO in the end i’m saying that we must evolve YES and thats true for our survival….but diminishing your own sexe to apprently revolutionize relations between men and women is not the answer (my opinion of course… not the truth)…the answer is a renewed sense of balance where men and women finally accept their differences and begin to work together in equal but different partnership….

    And then of course there’s that whole thing with LOVE. Cause no matter what we might say or whatever…I love women and I love my woman more than all the gold and silver diamonds and rubies in the world….so it’s all good…this is just a debate of views and opinions.

    More to come later on.


    Ps: I know that i’ve writen my posts in english and this is a french site and I wanted to thank everyone for being cool with it…I understand and speak french but in order to get my ideas out I had to do it in the language I was more confortable with….nothing political about it.

    Alors merci.

  19. ysengrimus said

    Je peux t’assurer mon bon Turi que tu es bien plus féminisé que ton arrière-grand père. Tu demandes qui fait cela? Nous le faisons tous. C’est un grand mouvement historique et tu en fais partie, veux veux pas.

  20. Turi said

    Yes and no my dear Paul…it was different…maybe I am more comprehensive to women’s equal importance in our world…this is not becoming more feminine…it’s just evolution of the mind and finally getting rid of the dark ages version of the Church.
    Like i said, I am of Pagan belief where the four elements rule all and show the perfect balance of this planet and of the universe.
    The Sun represents the Male and the Moon the feminine. None is more important than the other but are a prefect representation of men and women. The Moon being softer and having great influence and being our protector (from small asteroids and such) and the Sun is big and strong and not subtle at all but it gives strength (after a couple of grey days…what is more energizing than a sunny day)…Water and earth represent the feminine because life comes from these two elements…air and fire represent the male and together, we have perfect balance….pollute the water and we lose our balance…pollute the air and we lose our balance…We need to take care of each other and stop thinking that becoming more like the other sexe is the answer cause it’s not…a woman becoming more like a man is not the answer nor is a man becoming more like a woman…now I want to make clear that I am not talking about sexuality or homosexuality or other types of sexual identities which are different subjects…But Macho men are macho because they have anger towards women and sometimes they are this way because they were abused by a man or they were beaten up as a kid and they built this huge persona and shield around them to protect themselves from hurt and that eventually makes them lose all logic and sense towards certain situations and they become assholes (sort of)…same thing with women…alot of women who were either abused by a man will sometimes look for a more feminine man as a partner since they have this fear that is deep and sometimes even unnoticed by them towards men and so they feel secure with a more feminine man…sometimes it’s because they never got a male presence in their home growing up and so they were raised to be comfortable and used to only female energy…Now, I believe that one of the reasons (one of the reasons) that many young men are very feminine today, is because their fathers weren’t there…divorced or abandoned, all they know is their mother and a mother cannot do the job of papa and vice versa….

    Anyway yes maybe I am more « in tune » with the feminine inside of me than my great grand father , bless his soul, but I am not looking for approval or acceptance through femininity.

    And plus…my love really likes the fact that I carry the groceries in the house or open jars for her…and you know what? that’s when she is the most turned on is when I have done something that is gallant or gentlemanly…but manly.


    Ps: Damn…this is almost therapeutic.

  21. ysengrimus said

    Voilà. CQFD.

  22. Turi said

    Pardon my ignorance but what is CQFD?

  23. ysengrimus said

    Ce Qu’il Fallait Démontrer.

  24. Turi said

    Well anyway I’m going to start moving to another subject either on this blog or another but strangely enough…yesterday I was thinking and you know what? Thank you Ysengrimus…not really for anything you’ve said/written but more for the « therapeutic » effect this has had on some buried anger…

    You see, I agree with the rising power of femininity in our world and I welcome it not as a threat to men, but as the return of the balance we once had in certain civilizations and it is beautiful…

    What I do have a problem with, is this acceptance of Male bashing as a means for certain women and even men to uphold the qualities of women…How often at the office or other places do I hear women denigrate men and it is acceptable…there is a difference between teasing and denigrating…and I think that somewhere back there we crossed the line and now it’s accepted as almost truth…look at commercials…men are always the idiots and the women portrayed as near goddesses…not as good/pretty/sweet women…goddesses…

    Well as much as I love my woman and as much as she IS MY goddess, I don’t believe that everything wrong in this world is the fault of men and everything good is done by women…

    For example, Wars ARE mainly (not totally but mainly) the work of men…it is territorial in nature and brutal…

    But what about this age of consumerism that is depriving and destroying our planet and causing injustice in so many countries (i.e.: cheap labour)….if you look carefully, you will notice a pattern….and it is the following…the age of consumerism began when the women’s rights movement also began…when women began to be independent with their pocket book and when they decided that they wanted control over their lives…

    That’s beautiful of course and true and just and had to happen…however, like most everything else, there was a down side to the very important UPSIDE of this movement…
    What would you say is the percentage of commercials targeted at women? I would say easily 75%.
    I don’t know one guy that says: « Oh i’m feeling down…i’m gonna go shopping ». But I know for a fact that many women shop to cheer up…how many pairs of shoes do you need? i’ve got 2…my girl, who is very careful with her shopping compared to many women I know, has nearly a dozen….oh some are 2-3 years old…but still thats alot of shoes….
    Again just like WARS, it is not only women who are responsible for this but they are in the majority on this one…Yes the companies TARGET women so we could say that it is the companies fault, there is some of that…but in the end who is buying?

    So my point is that in these times or peril, EVERYONE and EVERY GROUP has to look in the mirror and see if they are contributing to the destruction of our planet or the injustices and inequalities going on right now.

    And one last thing…I hope women know that we are NOT obsessed with how they look…they are…how many times do I tell my girl how beautiful she is when she’s « au natural »…but she can’t help staying 1hour in the bathroom preparing herself for I don’t know what…this has been a travesty imposed by make-up/clothing/cream/soap companies…look at a picture of the 1800’s just as an example…women were natural and guess what? they had husbands that loved them…how strange…you see…men will always love women for their nurturing and healing spirits more than for their « behinds » and breasts…the men who do like women for only that are assholes who are usually so superficial that I don’t understand why they end up with girlfriends…but they do…and so to each his own…
    Please cease thinking that your body is what makes us want to love you and protect you and desire you for the rest of our lives…it helps to be attracted to someone physically of course…but in the end…it’s that immensely powerful healing spirit you women have that make us crazy for you…

    Anyway…that pretty much closes the subject for me.


  25. KPM said

    « for the greater good »… On a fait tant de choses terribles au nom du « greater good ». Évitez de penser à la place des gens, ça sera mieux.

    Ô vous, les boutefeux, ô vous les bons apôtres,
    Mourez donc les premiers, nous vous cédons le pas.
    Mais de grâce, morbleu ! laissez vivre les autres,
    La vie est à peu près leur seul luxe ici-bas ;
    Car, enfin, la Camarde est assez vigilante,
    Elle n’a pas besoin qu’on lui tienne la faux.
    Plus de danse macabre autour des échafauds !
    Mourons pour des idées, d’accord, mais de mort lente,
    D’accord, mais de mort lente.

  26. jimidi said

    Il eut été judicieux d’indiquer que les quelques vers cités par KPM sont extraits de « Mourir pour des idées » de Georges Brassens. Un oubli sans doute.


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